Monday, November 26, 2012

Shalini Kamath (managing Director, HR & Communications, Ambit Holdings Pvt. Ltd.) says a collaboration between business and HR can expose many untapped solutions which could be more appropriate for the business

Q. Can HR do the damage control? Does it hold the power to mitigate a negative?
With most turnaround cases it is observed that the trust on the business is either not established or has deteriorated due to certain misgivings in the past. HR has the ‘connect’ with employees and can act as the trustworthy intermediary that can assist the turnaround.

Effective communication by the business and HR collectively works the best towards damage control or mitigating a negative. An open and transparent communication helps the employees to understand what critical juncture the organisation is currently in; what are the benefits of a turnaround; and what are the people concerns that can be resolved and the ones that cannot.

Q. What major challenges are associated with a turnaround in the service sector?
The major challenge is to influence the people who come with their own set of thinking, behaviour, and cultural and economic influencers. Changing the mindset of intellectual workers is quite difficult, since a lot of reasoning and logic are required so that they do not resist the turnaround. Making those workers accept change also requires a lot of patience and it takes time. Expecting a turnaround to happen in a short span is fallacious.

Q. What is the new thinking during recruitment and talent retention during a turnaround?
. If the talent pool believes what is being practised by the company is going to be beneficial for all and will result in success then there would not be too many people who would like to leave, and retention may not be a major issue. However, if the initial stages are not handled well, the threat of attrition could loom large.

Either organisations should recruit the key people required for the turnaround before they commence the process or they should hold recruitment of critical staff unless it is extremely necessary. Read more..

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