Thursday, August 01, 2013

Globalisation and IR an interview with Prof. Mirella Baglioni (university of Parma, Italy)

Please tell us the significance of industrial sociology in a globalised world?
A. Sociology maintains its importance, as sociological research helps in understanding the changes taking place in a globalised world. This holds true in defining what society is today, what remains of the nation-state identity and what contribution does the global exchange of information and communication provide to define new cultural identities.

Q. How would you define the strengths and weaknesses of collective bargaining in Europe?
A. Collective bargaining at the national level has a role of defining minimum standards in a number of European member states. However, if we look at EU 27, the role of collective bargaining in regulating wages and working conditions varies to a great extent.

Q. Do you see European integration and IR together in a globally competitive environment?
A. The aim of European integration, where single market and a single currency could be accompanied by a progressive harmonisation of social rights, is nowadays progressively weakening. In the ideal social Europe, IR played a key role as social partners were regarded the main representatives of economic and social interests. At global level, rising number of transnational agreements bear witness to unions’ initiatives towards strategies of internationalisation, but changes in social partners’ strategies take time. Click here to read full interview....

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